
"You Nazi. You are Just Like Hitler": Zahavy's Lemma to Nyhan's Corollary to Godwin's Law

Time Magazine Blogger Brendan Nyhan adds a twist to the famous law of comparison:

Godwin's law, which states that, as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches inevitability.

Let me propose Nyhan's corollary: As a foreign policy debate with conservatives grows longer, the probability of a comparison with the appeasement of Nazis or Hitler approaches inevitability.
Conservatives!? Whoa there a minute Brendan!!! We need to add a lemma to your corollary.

Let's call it Zahavy's Lemma.

When you accuse a conservative of a Godwin's Law violation in accord with Nyhan's corollary, they will inevitably shoot back at you, "Hey, Liberals do it too, you hypocrite. Gotcha."

As indeed they do.

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