
Woman Ordained Orthodox Rabbi - Monopoly Broken

"Haviva Ner-David is an Orthodox feminist who has been a leader of some of the most prominent struggles in Jewish women's lives. Just before Pessah, she received her PhD in Jewish studies from Bar-Ilan University. And then, on the eve of Pessah, Ner-David was ordained as a rabbi in Jerusalem."

This is a great event. Put succinctly, I agree with Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky, rabbi of Los Angeles Congregation B'nai David-Judea in Los Angeles. He recently wrote, "The stupidest thing the Orthodox community does now is not having women rabbis. It wastes intellectual and spiritual talent."

The frum Jews of Brooklyn are outraged. The Hir-hurim of Brooklyn blog mocks this valiant woman with a post entitled, "So-Called-Orthodox Woman Rabbi". And I thought that was one of the few blogs professing to, "promoting enlightened public policy and/or the refinement of character." I guess polity in blogging has its limits.

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