
YNET: Conference on Orthodox Rabbis Worst Nightmares


'Silent Holocaust.'

That's the kind of rhetoric rabbis use to describe their own failures. They fail to keep Jews in Judaism and then they tell Stephen King horror stories about it.

I have never understood the logic or the rhetoric. Jews with Xmas trees can be described and labeled in many ways. But - 'frightening'!

Voluntary assimilation of Jews and the resulting attrition from Jewish affiliation can be analyzed and classified ad infinitum. But - 'Silent Holocaust'!

Q: Why do the rabbis use this language?
A: Because they can.

YNET story:

'It’s frightening to consider how many Jews put up Christmas trees'

Conference of Orthodox Rabbis opens Monday in Jerusalem amidst grave concerns about Jewish assimilation in Diaspora. Rabbi Yuval Sharlo “gravely concerned about this silent Holocaust.” Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar weeps about division of Jerusalem.


Anonymous said...

"I have never understood the logic or the rhetoric. Jews with Xmas trees can be described and labeled in many ways. But - 'frightening'!

Voluntary assimilation of Jews and the resulting attrition from Jewish affiliation can be analyzed and classified ad infinitum. But - 'Silent Holocaust'!"

Tzvee, PLEAAASE, provide the words you would use to describe these things.

Tzvee Zahavy said...

"Understandable" considering the lack of imagination and the poor quality of American Jewish leadership and the high powered marketing and ostensible attractiveness of American Christian culture.

Anonymous said...

Oh, c'mon.
Why the copout answer?