
Pioneer Press: Norm Coleman Atones on Yom Kippur for Slimy Negative Ads Against Al Franken

Seems like every Jew in Minnesota is involved in this senate campaign imbroglio. Norm Coleman (Jew) has introspected and reflected over Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) to drop his negative attack ads against opponent Al Franken (Jew) and everyone commenting on this mess in the Pioneer Press article appears to be Jewish too. [As voters tire of attack ads, Coleman pulls his: Is the decision a polite gesture, a political tactic — or too little too late? By Rachel E. Stassen-Berger]
"This is not about a calculation," said Coleman, who made his decision as the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur ended Thursday night.

"This is a reflection," he said. A reflection born of: "Having spent three days on the road in Minnesota listening to Minnesotans; having spent a day where I could sit back and reflect upon where we're going; having watched the stock market go to places where it hasn't been in our lifetime; and making a decision about, 'How you want to be perceived? How do you want to win a race? How do you want to serve in the U.S. Senate?' "

Coleman's opponents and others said the move can be seen only as a tactic....

The Franken campaign didn't make immediate plans to change its ad strategy in reaction to Coleman's move.

Last week, in the candidates' first general election debate, Franken said, to laughter: "We've been running ads against Norm Coleman's record ... so they're negative."

Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley, who hasn't had the money to run TV spots, said Coleman's move won't undo the race's negative tone.

"I think the tone of the campaign has already pretty much been set in stone," he said.

Larry Jacobs of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute said the move is clearly calculated.

"The very claim of it not being calculated is calculated," he said.
If Jacobs is right, then Coleman cheapens his religion by using it to disguise his tactical political change.

And apparently the chazan was not as effective in Al Franken's shul since he was not as moved by his Yom Kippur davening to repent of running sleazy ads.

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