
Jewish Press: Review of "God's Favorite Prayers" by Dr. Naomi Cohen

In the Jewish Press, 10/7/2011, p. 58 you will find a wonderful review of my new book by Dr. Naomi G. Cohen. It begins,
God's Favorite Prayers, by Tzvee Zahavy, makes for fascinating reading. It is an intelligent, sometimes amusing, and always highly readable essay addressed first and foremost to those who know "everything" - those so familiar with the prayers that they don't really need a siddur to follow the service.

At the same time the book can also serve as an appetizer, a first introduction to the synagogue and its most significant prayers, for those from outside shul life - people who have not been inside an Orthodox synagogue since their bar mitzvah....
Professor Cohen is a noted scholar: Dr. Naomi G. Cohen taught for many years at Tel Aviv University and Haifa University, and is a senior research fellow at Haifa University. She has published extensively on Jewish liturgy and on Philo Judaeus, including Philo's Scriptures: Citations from the Prophets and Writings. She is married to Rav She'ar Yashuv Cohen, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Haifa.

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