I just love it when a man is so arrogant he thinks he can worry about a whole nation all at once. And not only take on that responsibility! He can also see the future!
For a person to say that Zionism is not the same today as it was in 1948 - that is not apostasy. What is Remnick talking about in this essay? What does he think Burg is saying that is so controversial? Israel faces problems?

Burg is talking nonsense - utter garbage - when he purports to represent the spirit of a nation. The State of the State address ought to be given by the president or prime minister - not a man who quit politics out of disgust or depression or both.
Hey. Every country is beset by problems, internal, external, economic and social. Jimmy Carter's malaise was his own - not mine or that of the public at large. And he was president!
This guy Burg is a quitter and his whole attitude reeks of the stench of sour grapes. He could not make it to prime minister. He ran out of gas. So he just stipulates that the country is awful.
Well let me tell you about the real Israel. Its fruit is large and sweet and giants live in the land. Wow is it strong and beautiful and one of the best countries in the world in innovation, education, culture, religion, art, science, military might.... what is it that Burg wants or expects from Israel?
Here is a choice teaser.
Read the New Yorker article and see if you agree with me.
In this atmosphere of post-traumatic gloom, Avraham Burg, a former Speaker of the Knesset, managed to inflame the Israeli public (left, right, and center) with little more than an interview in the liberal daily Ha’aretz, promoting his recent book, “Defeating Hitler.”
That's enough for doctor gloom ....feh.