
Oh Crab Cakes. Stop Praying for Peace. Pray Instead for a Managed Conflict.

In the Times today we find Op-Ed Columnist ROGER COHEN's confused and confusing ramblings titled, "Israel, Palestine, Crab Cakes." He starts out:
I would like to invest hope in the Annapolis Middle East peace conference, or meeting, or parley, or whatever the term is. Really, I would. The 59-year battle for the same land of Zionist and Palestinian national movements has not been good for anyone.
And near the end of his free associations on the subject of the middle east he says:
All the “final-status issues” — Jerusalem, borders, refugees, settlements, water and security — will have to be left for later. Even protracted attempts to frame the principles for discussion of these matters have failed.

“The best we can hope for is an agenda of conflict management and not have illusions of conflict resolution,” said Shlomo Avineri, an Israeli political scientist.
Okay before I agree with Avineri I have to ask. Anybody out there know what "crab cakes" has to do with this article?

Update: I emailed the author....he answered.
Annapolis-Maryland-Crabcakes. The speciality.
To which I replied:

OK... Shellfish, not kosher, never had them; thought you were using a wry metaphor of some sort;>)

So, that is resolved. Now truth to tell I have to agree with anyone who has despaired of peace, even Avineri.

Perhaps it is time that we revise our prayers in accord with the realities of our lives. Perhaps we ought engage in prayerbook reform and we should pray accordingly:
He who manages conflict in high places, may he manage our conflicts and all the conflicts of Israel and let us say, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seemed that Roger Cohen's secondary goal in his article was to bash Bush and his administration. Problem is: everything he said about Bush could've been said about Clinton, too. Something tells me that he's not the type to go that route, though.