VATICAN The Board Game
From Cardinal to Pope—how it happens . . .
Words > Pope Stuff (posted 24 September 2007) "...playing “VTBG,” as it’s known among hardcore VTBG players, doesn’t just involve rolling some dice and advancing your cardinal three spaces. Do cardinals advance three spaces toward the Papacy by rolling some dice in real life? Most of them don’t. They do things like Take Stances on Important Religious Issues… and other pre-Pope activities. Just as in reality, the game forces players to express their views on critical issues form a historical aspect. Tell me, what other board game offers such historical action!? None! You can thank [Stephen Haliczer] for the greatest board game in the world!" Martini Revolution (posted 28 November 2007) "Wow! Forget Macy’s - if anyone wants to buy me a holiday gift, it’s one-stop-shopping..." daily mantra (posted 10/29/07) "Become Pope In A Few Easy Steps – And Find Out Some Surprising Things About The Roman Catholic Church Along The Way" Keenan Maximillian Tan Too Hock (posted 10/11/07) "I think it would have been fun to play it with people who like a discussion. Could use it as a teaching tool for the kids in St. Mary's...we had fun. It was filled with laughter. We will be doing it again soon." Coo-ees from the Cloister (posted 09/03/07) "While becoming Pope is no game; Vatican wont leave you bored... "
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