For 2013. We present our book in serial format on our blog - God's Favorite Prayers
Timeless Prayers
Timeless Prayers
nother thing I do not dwell on in this book is to tell you about the
origins of the prayers. Why? First off, it’s difficult or impossible to tell
when most prayers started and who started them. A real crucial characteristic
of any prayer is to make it appear to you to be a timeless tradition, with no
beginnings. And, anyhow, even if I tell you of some important cultural
practice’s origins—for instance, that baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday
in Cooperstown, New York in 1839—how does that help you understand the game?
And, as you may know,
that simple, recent fact about the origin of the game of baseball is highly
disputed. The Doubleday-origin story is thought by many to be part of the
sport’s mythology. Jeff Idelson of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown,
New York has said about the sport’s origin, “Baseball wasn't really born
anywhere.” He means to say that the game evolved over a long time, that
baseball has no single, discoverable point of origin.
And so, returning to
our main subject, it’s legitimate to ask: How can I speak with any certainty
about the origins of Jewish prayers, events shrouded in much greater mystery
than baseball and that occurred up to 2000 or more years ago? We know only that
the practices of the synagogue evolved over a long period of time and that they
were influenced by many competing forces of history, society and culture.
But, just as baseball
historians continue to repeat the mythological origin account of the sport, I
report the origin narratives of the various prayers in brief at the proper
times later in the book. Don’t get all excited though. Here is a sample of what
we have to offer.
Rabbi Jeremiah (fourth
century) says (Yerushalmi Berakhot 4d) in reference to the origin of the Amidah
prayer that “One-hundred-twenty elders, including about eighty prophets,
instituted these prayers.” These one-hundred- twenty elders are taken to be the
men of an obscure group called the Great Assembly.
Another source
(Talmud Bavli Megillah 17b) has a parallel of Rabbi Jeremiah's teaching about
the origin of the liturgy: “Rabbi Yohanan said that, according to some, a
baraita taught that one-hundred-twenty elders, including some prophets,
instituted the Shemoneh Esreh (i.e., the Amidah, the Eighteen Blessings).”
Another rabbinic text links the beginnings of the Amidah to a later authority,
Simeon Hapaqoli, who formulated the blessings under the supervision of
Gamaliel, the patriarch at Yavneh in Israel in the second century.
These traditional
origin accounts do not tell a vivid or dramatic story. Overall, there is not
much origin-folklore for the classical Jewish prayers. Baseball fares a little
better in that department.
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