The virtuosi ought to create new prayers. When they do they should also pray that the rabbis stop offering diplomatic, political and military advice -- areas in which they are uninformed -- and start proclaiming more needed prayers like this one. We presume the Rabbis know a lot about prayers. They regulate them and they spend much time engaged in reciting them every day.
JTA - Breaking News: Steinsaltz: Ramp up Tisha B’Av prayers
A leading Talmud scholar called for Jews to intensify prayers for Israel on Tisha B’Av.
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz composed a sample prayer that asks God to save Israelis “from the sword of their enemy, safeguard them from death, protect them from danger and shelter them from fear.”
Given the often contentious media coverage of Israel, it also urges God to shine “the light of discernment on those who give credence to lies, and enlighten those who listen to libelous dogmas.”
Tisha B’Av, which began at sundown Wednesday and runs until sundown Thursday, commemorates the destruction of the biblical temples and other calamities that have befallen Jews throughout the ages, believed to have occurred on the same day.
A good post on an important topic. It would've been a great post if you had dropped the potshot at unnamed rabbis, something you've got into the habit lately. You don't make yourself look better by knocking down others. On the contrary...
Good point. But it is tough to do because we are facing more politicization of religion now than ever before. Long term that's a good way to ruin a religion. Hence my comments are pertinent.
Religion has always been politicized.
I'm no fan of rabbis who talk out of their tuchases, but just because someone is a rabbi doesn't mean they lose the right to express opinions, like any other citizen.
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