There would be no room in the NY newspapers for any other news.
The "despicable" little ink marks did not go through the varnish and they wiped off easily. And you did not know this at first because...?
National Briefing | Midwest
Minnesota: Students Vandalize Portraits at Capitol
In flesh and blood, former Gov. Jesse Ventura is stubborn and unvarnished. In oil paint, it is a different story, which is good news for the two high school freshmen who are believed to have made marks on his portrait when their United States government class toured the Capitol in St. Paul. “It turns out the ink wasn’t very stubborn and the paintings had enough varnish to keep the ink from seeping below the surface,” Brian Szott, curator of art at the Minnesota Historical Society, said of the vandalism the students are believed to have inflicted on three portraits of governors. Marks were also drawn across the mouths of Elmer L. Andersen and Harold LeVander. Initial estimates suggested the vandalism would require restoration, costing several thousand dollars. In fact, the repairs cost $175. It took an hour and a mild solvent to remove the ink from the paintings. An investigation is focusing on students from Eastview High School in Apple Valley. Mr. Ventura, a former professional wrestler, called the act “despicable.” A fine and community service are the likely penalties for a misdemeanor of this type, said James Backstrom, the county attorney for Dakota County.
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