
New Film: Jews and Baseball

The relationship between Jews and baseball is strong.


When my dad was a rabbi in New York City in the fifties he was surprised when a congregant came up to him on the bimah early on Yom Kippur morning with a problem. "Rabbi, I need an earlier honor," he declared.

The man had been asked to open the ark late in the morning during the Musaf service.

My dad asssured him he would try to get him a recognition at another time slot. But he politely asked why the gentleman needed to switch.

He told my dad proudly and without any hesitation, "I'm a big Yankees fan and I have tickets to the World Series at Yankee stadium where the game starts at 1:00 PM."

New Film:

"Jews and Baseball: an American Love Story," is a new film out making the rounds at screenings and festivals.

From the wonderful trailer we expect it will be an informative and moving film for any Jew who loves sports.

Hat tip to Yitz.

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