“Liturgy is not dry theology,” Tzvee Zahavy explains. In his new book, “God’s Favorite Prayers,”
To illuminate the meanings of prayers, Zahavy tells about his experiences with Rav J. B. Soloveitchik, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, Rabbi Meir Kahane, Cantor Louis Danto and other inspiring Jewish figures.
This book provokes thinking that will make readers stop to find their own personal threads of liturgical meanings and discover the energy and excitement of the High Holiday prayers. It introduces the personalities of prayer: the performer, the mystic, the scribe, the priest, the meditator and the celebrity.
Buy the book locally at Judaic House in Teaneck, and online through www.godsfavoriteprayers.com and at Amazon.com. It is also sold in digital formats, as a Kindle book at Amazon.com, and as a NOOK book at barnesandnoble.com.
What others are saying about God's Favorite Prayers:
“It is not often that one has the opportunity to share the authentic personal experiences of a distinguished scholar in the field of liturgy, who is also an award-winning teacher. These two elements stand out in Tzvee Zahavy’s God’s Favorite Prayers. Zahavy takes us on an amazing journey into the world of Jewish Prayer and into the personalities that make up the ‘quorum’ in the synagogue. His observations and insights will inspire people of all faiths, who truly seek out a way to make prayer, both personal and communal, a meaningful part of their lives.”
—Rabbi Shimon Altshul, Director, the Ludwig and Erica Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies, Bar Ilan University
“It is not often that one has the opportunity to share the authentic personal experiences of a distinguished scholar in the field of liturgy, who is also an award-winning teacher. These two elements stand out in Tzvee Zahavy’s God’s Favorite Prayers. Zahavy takes us on an amazing journey into the world of Jewish Prayer and into the personalities that make up the ‘quorum’ in the synagogue. His observations and insights will inspire people of all faiths, who truly seek out a way to make prayer, both personal and communal, a meaningful part of their lives.”
—Rabbi Shimon Altshul, Director, the Ludwig and Erica Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies, Bar Ilan University
“God’s favorite prayers have all been right in plain sight for centuries, though never before experienced like this. With his characteristic blend of chutzpah and humor, Professor Rav Zahavy makes finding spiritual experiences into a real page turner! A fun, fascinating and totally refreshing way to finally learn how to pray.”
—Dr. Arlene Rossen Cardozo, author of Sequencing, Woman at Home and Jewish Family Celebrations
The Teaneck author is a widely published scholar and a lively lecturer on topics related to Jewish prayer. This is the first volume published by Talmudic Books, a new imprint that Zahavy started in Teaneck, New Jersey.
—Dr. Arlene Rossen Cardozo, author of Sequencing, Woman at Home and Jewish Family Celebrations
The Teaneck author is a widely published scholar and a lively lecturer on topics related to Jewish prayer. This is the first volume published by Talmudic Books, a new imprint that Zahavy started in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Attention bloggers and e-zines: To request a complimentary review copy today for the print or Kindle edition, send us your address in an email.
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