The Times writes today about a controversy in Jones Beach, "Some Jewish Lifeguards Claim Bias at Jones Beach".
For decades, the elite Jones Beach lifeguard corps has presided over the renowned stretch of Long Island shoreline as an unwavering symbol of safety and courage. With their tanned, toned physiques perched atop their stands, the lifeguards are seen as models of fitness and efficiency on team rescues, protecting bathers, enforcing safety rules and working together to save lives.My reaction -- there is some struggle over union power going on over there. But before we sort all that out, wait a minute, I have a question. I know there are Jewish lifeguards at Jewish summer camps. I once was one at Camp Avnet in Long Beach. My brother and sister were lifeguards in a Jewish summer camp in the five towns. But lifeguards on the beach in Atlantic Beach or Long Beach were rarely Jewish. I knew of just one case in Atlantic Beach, a neighbor of ours on Bermuda Street.
But this summer their ranks have been roiled by a growing controversy over complaints from a group of Jewish lifeguards who say they have been harassed, unfairly disciplined and made the subject of a police investigation instigated by beach administrators.
The administrators and other officials with the state, which runs Jones Beach, acknowledged criminal investigations and disciplinary actions taken against several of the guards involved, citing suspicions of fraud and other infractions. But they vehemently denied the bias charges...
Now the Times brings us a story about six Jewish lifeguards at Jones Beach. I think that itself is the story. "What? There are Six Jewish Lifeguards?"