
Vatican: Court Decides that Jews In Netherlands Can Observe Sabbath

We don't know (1) why the Vatican Insider reports this as news and (2) why they report the decision as "intended to cause controversy"? And why the picture of Jewish men in rain hats?

In any event this appears to be a good decision for the Jews.
In the Netherlands on Saturday orthodox Jews can go around without documents

The Supreme Court of the Netherlands has established a principle intended to cause controversy: religious obligation prevails over the law

Giacomo Galeazzi
Vatican City

In the Netherlands on Saturday orthodox Jews will go around without documents. In this case, the lay Supreme Court of the Netherlands has established a principle intended to cause controversy: religious obligation prevails over the law. So Orthodox Jews have been exempted from showing, at the request of the police, their identity card since this is in conflict with their religious beliefs. In fact, their religion forbids Orthodox Jews to take anything out of the house on the Sabbath. Therefore also their identity card....more

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