He was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, and spent his childhood in Freehold. His father was Douglas Frederick Springsteen, of Dutch and Irish ancestry. His mother was Adele Ann Zerilli of Italian ancestry.
Springsteen was raised a Roman Catholic. He attended the St. Rose of Lima parochial school in Freehold. Some of his music reflects a deep Catholic ethos and traditional Irish-Catholic hymns.
Springsteen is the featured talent for the 2009 Superbowl half-time show.
That is a terrible revelation. My wife and I, we played the songs of The Boss all throughout our wedding as we thought he was one of the Chosen People. As our relationship has deteriorated over the past few months, I know have no doubt that this misrepresentation by The Boss is the cause. Max Weinberg is also guilty of lying.
really glad the Bruce is not one of the "Chosen People".
so tired of tribe members thinking that they are better than everyone else.
@ Dave: LMAO@that statement! I just found out this info about 'The Boss' (whom I am a big fan of) & am surprised as well. "A terrible revelation", though? You can't be serious in thinking that that's why your marriage failed. C'mon! ...Well, here's something even more shocking to me, by far. True story. I just started doing an extensive family tree search of my own. Because of the Holocaust, I've always been prejudice against, having disdain for Germans throughout most of my life, but guess what I just found out about where many of my ancestors are from. You got it.. I'm just thankful that my direct lineage came to America long before WWII so I don't have to feel any personal guilt or shame, but MAN! I'm still in shock. I always figured somewhere in Europe, just not there (still shaking my head in disbelief). Life can be too weird & seem unfair, but a good lesson learned; DON'T HATE OTHERS. Peace.
I'm... uh... pretty sure Dave was kidding, guys...
That wsa pretty funny Dave. I laughed for about a minute. You other guys need to get a (Jewish)sense of humor. On topic though I was surprised that Bruce Springsteen was Catholic. I just found out on a Catholic blog. I'm Catholic but not a Springsteen fan. Colored folk like myslef just can't get into him all that much. I like some of his music though. I guess we should learn that we can't judge people by their names now Bruce Springstein, he's Jewish! Get blog site.
I was sad he wasn't for the obvious reason to help the eternal fight against anti-Semitism.
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