Be apocalyptically afraid. People will die, a new Supreme Court ruling “will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.”
Are we still singing the same scary tune, day in day out? How droll.
To review: I thought we went to war to bring our democracy to Iraq. Now you tell me that our democracy and its laws and way of life should not apply to the people we don't like.
You say that America is perfect and we should force our way of life on the world. But now you say, not our legal guarantees of fairness. Those apply only to our friends. You know, the people on Michelle's list, those are our friends.
Make up your mind Michelle et al. Cause you are sounding more confused every day.
And one more thing. You are not scaring anyone anymore with your knee-jerk apocalypticism. 9/11 happened under George Bush, honey. Bush was listening to children reading about a pet goat at the time the planes hit the WTC. That's a fact and that is a scary story.Supreme Court opens up Gitmo lawsuit floodgates; Scalia: “The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today. I dissent.”
What’s that sound? The thunder of left-wing lawyers and Gitmo detainees jumping up and down for joy at the Supreme Court’s ruling this morning. Brace yourselves. Dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia warns that the ruling “will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed” and concludes “The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today. I dissent.”
Chief Justice John Roberts says the rule of law and the American people have lost out–and with this ruling, we “lose a bit more control over the conduct of this Nation’s foreign policy to unelected, politically unaccountable judges...”
I am surprised you didn't note that Scalia said "I dissent" rather than the universally used formula "I respectfully dissent."
Scalia doesn't respect the Supreme Court anymore.
"Bush was listening to children reading about a pet goat at the time the planes hit the WTC. That's a fact and that is a scary story."
Umm, the goat story wasn't such a scary story. (ugh.) More of an ugh is that you believe that "Bush knew".
"a new Supreme Court ruling 'will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.'
Are we still singing the same scary tune, day in day out? "
You've engaged in worse scaremongering on this blog.
"You (Malkin) say that America is perfect and we should force our way of life on the world."
I'm still waiting for the day when you stop putting phony words into others' mouths.
The court is a killing machine, why respect it?
The scary story is that 9/11 happened and it happened under Bush. And there are other real scary stories that we can tell, Iraq war, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, $4 a gallon gas. Real, now, happening. We liberals don't need to invent scary stories for some imaginary future apocalyptic era.
"The court is a killing machine, why respect it?" What does this mean? I thought you'd be happy that the lib faction of the Court carried the day.
As far as the scary scenarios you cite, don't you think the political left has any responsibility? How about $4.00/gal. gas? Costs have increased dramatically in part due to America's inability to drill in places where large amounts of petro reserves are known to exist. Who's the leader of the "no drilling" movement? Ta da . . . the Democratic Party.
As far as waterboarding is concerned, if I knew that a terrorist in American custody had vital information which would save the life of even a single American, you can bet I'd do that and more. So would most Americans. Why do you think the TV series "24" is so popular?
"The scary story is that 9/11 happened and it happened under Bush." Somehow, everything which goes wrong gets blamed on George Bush. Well, according to a May 18, 2002 New York Times article, "The F.B.I. knew by 1996 of a specific threat that terrorists in Al Qaeda, Mr. bin Laden's network, might use a plane in a suicide attack against the headquarters of the C.I.A. or another large federal building in the Washington area, the law enforcement officials acknowledged.
But the officials said the Federal Bureau of Investigation had discounted the possibility of a suicide attack using planes, partly because it had largely failed to draw together evidence gathered piecemeal over the years that Al Qaeda pilots were training here."
Er, Bill Clinton was President at that time. Maybe if the Democratic administration at that time did something rather than sit on its collective butt, 9-11 wouldn't have occurred.
maybe - ?
Rulings such as this make it all the more imperative to vote Republican in November.
I agree with Andy.
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