As his article explains further, "No Contact Allowed: Ultra-Orthodox Israeli women are taught to avoid all contact with men, even if it involves something as simple as saying, ‘Thank you.’"
Kolbrener laments that "Common sense civility in the public sphere" is missing from the Ultra-Orthodox. He concludes that "chivalry is dead" and worse, that women in that community live in a "repressive culture of silence."
Bill, we all have repressive rules. There is no place that we know of where you can walk up to a woman on the street and ask her if she would like to have sex with you (well maybe in some parts of Hollywood, but that is another story). The question is where you mark the ball on the field, how far away from the goalposts.
Bill, you do not like the Ultra-Orthodox rules. You find them to be rude and insulting. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion.
But you also need to look more analytically at the culture in which you live. Distinctive rules of conduct for women are essential to that culture, not accidental. Women are valued tribal territories. They are protected by strict fences and borders. Bill, you see this, but you do not like it. So you insult it, calling it names like, "repressive" and "stifling."
Make your value judgments and move on then, Bill.
But others may want to understand how deeply rooted is this rabbinic code of conduct for women. It is old, and strong, and influential within the religion of the rabbis and the Talmud.
The stories and traditions about one famous woman named Beruryah encapsulate some of the basic attitudes. In one anecdote, she mocks a rabbi who asks her directions, telling him not to ask her which way is it to Lod, just to say, Lod?
But in that story you can see a castigation of Beruryah's mockery, not of the rabbinic code of conduct.
True, in other places Beruryah is depicted as emotionally sensitive, shielding her husband from grief, and morally superior, urging her husband to reconsider his anger. Yet, these too are easily seen as aspects of the code. Women must learn to recognize and manage their husband's moods.
Finally, when a student of her husband seduces her on a dare, this just proves that all women are sexually flighty, even the wife of the great rabbi, and that the rabbinic code must be rigorously enforced.
See the texts here, they are worthy of some close study. And they constitute the entirety of the "Beruryah code."
The upshot for us in brief here is that the Beruryah code of conduct for rabbinic women is old and venerable and influential. It did not just start yesterday on a bus in Jerusalem. We see these facts in front of our eyes. For many Orthodox, these rules of conduct for women are essential to their definition of religion, even if many other Jews believe that they are based on false, outdated and rude premises.
Kolbrener, if it hurts you to be subjected to the rudeness of a neighborhood, don't go down that street. As the New York City Police tell people who get beat up at the local tavern, learn to recognize which bars are too rowdy for you and do not ever go in there for a drink. It's a rough city. If you do go in and you do get beat up, don't come crying to the police.
I hope you are being sarcastic.
Maybe the men should not be able to say hello. Why don't the men sit at the back of the bus?
These codes may be old and influential, but they are not venerable. They are vile and degrading and are intolerable. If I want to walk on any street I can and I will, regardless of what neighborhood the streets are located.
It is with utter contempt that I view codes that were developed eons ago by superstitious, ignorant people who refuse to acknowledge that perhaps some of the rules they learned are antiquated and even evil.
Just a reminder- slavery and animal sacrifice have been outlawed from most of the developed world. The same needs to occur for the degradement of women and for homosexuals as well.
It is time these people grow up!!!
It's been awhile since I've heard women are "valued tribal territories" and " that all women are sexually flighty"..
Great stuff I'd like to hear more about this.
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